Idaho Herp News




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Dedicated to the understanding of Amphibians and Reptiles


P.O. BOX 15221, BOISE, ID. 83715-5221




IDAHO HERP NEWS is the official publication of the Idaho Herpetological Society, Inc. It is published quarterly and is included in your IHS membership. It is circulated nationally in a newsletter exchange among Herpetological Organizations.  Advertising space is available at the following rates:


Classified: Free to members for five lines.  $1.00 for each additional line.  Non-members   $1.50 per line for ad.  Deadlines March 1, June 1, Sept. 1 & Dec. 1




Business Card Size (2” x 3”)............

Double Card.......................................

Quarter Page.....................................

Half Page...........................................

Full Page............................................












The Idaho Herpetological is not affiliated in any way with any business or vendor advertising in this publication and assumes no responsibility for the quality or condition of merchandise or animals sold by the aforementioned and reserves the right to refuse ads considered inappropriate.


IDAHO HERP NEWS welcomes advertising from individuals and enterprises dedicated to the understanding of amphibians and reptiles.


IDAHO HERP NEWS also welcomes news items, articles, abstracts and manuscripts.  Material submitted for publication is subject to review by the Society’s Board of Directors.


The opinions expressed by the contributors and editor of the newsletter are not necessarily those of the Idaho Herpetological Society or the Board of Directors.  IHS will not be held responsible for statements made herein.  Unless otherwise noted, all material herein may be reproduced for inclusion in the newsletters of other herpetological societies provided that the material is reproduced without change and proper credits are given to IDAHO HERP NEWS citing volume number and date.



The Idaho Herp New is published on a quarterly basis, in March, June, September and December.  Deadlines for each issue are as follows: 

March Issue:  Deadline - February 25

June Issue:  Deadline - May 25

September Issue:  Deadline - August 25

December Issue:  Deadline - November 25

Please send submissions to:

Editor, Idaho Herp News    P.O. Box 15221,  Boise, ID  83715-5221



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Last modified: 04/06/04